August 31, 2008

yahoo is continously being kicked

this time is the new service by google's blogger to kick mybloglog. the latest followers service is just the same as mybloglog. in this stage it's only for blogger members only. but one great thing is you can follow the list in google reader or put your following list into the reader! so you can read what you like in one single platform and you don't need to jump over to different browsers/tabs.
former googlers' friendfeed made some widgets for your site. i put the "feed widget" here but i would like to see an integration of badge & feed widget being available to use.and it's now renewing its interface. basically you can use the same service in facebook but facebook is not open to non-members to read.
P.S. when are functions of google reader available in other languages? not few new services are made. but it seems nearly none of them are implemented in my native language interface. gmail is a better when compared!

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