June 09, 2008

some google stuff

google is busy changing its icons; giving tests to gmail. but some are more interesting for me, like taking more care of local adsense community.

another is improvement on translation. typing "fy" before the keyword you wanna translate in search box now shows more than before. besides dictionary shows basic definition, there's a link to take you into google translate to show you more in details like dictionary.com. other features in google translate are attractive too.

but the most important thing is the support of hkex in google finance (so i now subscribe its blog in my reader). i love the layout, simplicity, and the chart function. but for long time it didn't support hk stocks which was a pity. it's cool to have support now but something can be improved.
  1. stock history is too short, just around a year.
  2. information is not completed, like interest rate...
  3. news sources, which now are from bloomberg or reuters, are not enough
  4. a bit personal - i don't wanna capture so much data in excel which gets all numerical information. i just want current stock price.
P.S. former googlers' products are also in big interest. twitter from former blogger owners seem steps back the way the old blogger walked, instability (link 1, link 2, status). google wasted time to rebuild the blogger to increase the stability and flexibility. so what will twitter act? or friendfeed from former team to make gmail, reader... takes over the shine?

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