June 26, 2011

lego city #8403 city house

  1. modular
  2. a new way to present civilian home
  3. with enough details from outside to inside with limited size, i.e. rubbish bin, post box, bbq stand, tree house etc
  1. stickers as always
  2. house is a bit small when compared to the garden. minifig doesn’t have enough room for cooking
  3. why is there no rat? raised base of the house is a good place for rats

June 19, 2011

let them talk

i still don’t have time to finish latest season finale of house md yet (spoiler: a main cast will not return!!!). but i have got another stuff by hugh laurie and keep playing & playing again.

that’s his debut album, let them talk. not only he sings, but also he plays piano. and there is a song featuring tom jones! anyway i think the blues make this summer much cooler!!!

btw i don't think there are many stocks left in major cd stores as they are directly imported from britain under normal price.

June 18, 2011



  • hospitality
  • historical scenes
  • flowers
  • balloon
  • food
  • & more


  • hotel in rural areas
  • rural roads
  • also food

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