my sister got a macbook with student discount. isp only provide a wired router but it's inconvenient for her to get connected. so i bought the subject to home. it is ok to connect on traditional way but neither macbook nor n82 cannot connect in wireless way. i called the hot line and even they cannot help on phone. they asked me to pick it to their site.
i went there this morning. the way to the site is nearly the same to my working place! they checked and found that what i got is an old version from store may not be compatible with macbook or n82. so they exchanged with the latest firmware one to me.
this time all wireless devices can connect to the router but the router cannot connect with isp! the only way is to copy the data when my pc directly connect to isp and fill those data into the router. the guy behind hot line said this is normal. as far as all devices can connect to the internet, this minor thing is not a problem when compared to what mentioned in first two paragraph.